What inspired it all.
When Taylor was 8 years old her parents began to grow worried as their normal active daughter got sick and never seemed to get better. After 4 months and 26 doctors visits, there was no change. One day Taylor began throwing up once again, but this time lost complete feeling in her right leg. Her mom quickly rushed her into the Emergency Room where she had an exploratory surgery. They soon found out that her appendix had ruptured in an odd way that doesn't happen to many people.
After her surgery she was emitted into the Children's Hospital of Illinois. There she spent 2 weeks and had yet another surgery. Her brightest moment of her stay was when a local radio station delivered her a teddy bear from their annual teddy bear drive. After Taylor recovered and returned home she began thinking of a way she could give back. That is when Taylor began collecting bears.
Now, Taylor has learned that there is a much greater need for these cuddly friends than her 8 year old self once thought. Her goal through starting Cuddles with Kindness® is to teach other kids that no matter your age or how big of a gift you give, you can still make a difference. All it takes to make a difference in this world is one person to inspire someone else.