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Project Sleep Tight® serves children who are going through homelessness, foster care, children’s homes, crisis centers and similar situations.


American Institute for Research has found that 1 out 30 children will suffer from homelessness in 2018.


We want to help ease the fear in these children by providing them with a stuffed animal, book, bag and blanket. These kids deserve a normal bed time routine and something they can call their own.


Donations can be made year round, but our main campaign takes place through the months of September and October. This year

we have many different ways you can support us. BagLadyDes is partnering with us to provide bags.


This years sponsorship levels are:

Complete Sponsor- $65

Bear Book Combo: $25

Thirty One Bag/Bookbag- $20

Blanket- $20

Hygiene Kit- $15


If you would like to donate please follow the link - Thank you! 



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